You can describe a person in many ways. Tall or short, skinny or fat, sympathetic or edge, good or bad ... and Raulista or Anti-Raulista.
In recent years, Real Madrid has broken into two sections, those who still believe that Raul should remain on the team and, on the contrary, they believe that player must leave the club now.
If we say that the Real Madrid captain would now "enemies" within our own fans we do not believe it. He was an idol, gave it everything for the team and over, was very good.
began in 1994 when he debuted Valdano against Zaragoza. It was a very promising player but nobody thought it would come to what has come finally to be one of the most important players in the history of our team. His record is enviable, has won three Champions and six leagues, and several individual awards.
But not everything is rosy in his career. Since 2003, his game began to wane. Did not mark the same goals and above all, not seen him play like we did before. Despite this, he remained absolutely incumbent on all parties until recently, no coach sat him on the bench.
is where they began to appear anti-Raulistas. People who do not understand why this player was appearing in all alignments and others were on the back door even though they had higher level than the captain. Owen, Baptista, Negredo, Van Nistelrooy and Higuain have already had this to say.
is here comes the debate, "Raul has more weight in the locker room the coach? I think so. I refuse to believe that coaches like Capello or Schster, it had said before the Madrid train that Raul had a change of air, did not realize that was not white seven to play. I appreciate I have a lot to think about that. So I have only one option, the white captain played by decree.

There are many characters in world football already have dared to speak. Hiddink, one of the best coaches in the world, said recently that the problem was Raúl Madrid. Cicinho Also, former player of the club, has hinted.
Currently Raul is still in the team, but seems to have lost the title, would be incredible to play him in the template having a Christian, Higuain, Kaka, Benzema, but it still plays a few minutes every game. Pellegrini has been very good this case, was removing this player lineup slowly, but I think he needed to finish the job. Not have to do the typical change for the fans applaud the captain, there are players on the team se merecen más la oportunidad que él.
Aquí me surge otra pregunta, ¿Raúl ha quitado más al Madrid de lo que le ha dado? Para mí, sí. Me puedo llevar muchas críticas por esto, pero me da igual. En los últimos cuatro o cinco años hemos jugado casi todos los partidos con un jugador menos. El español no hacía absolutamente nada, hasta había partidos que más que ayudar, molestaba.
Parece que este será su último año en nuestro equipo. Su destino, los Estados Unidos. Sitio para que las viejas glorias del fútbol disfruten de sus últimas temporadas jugando. Le deseo muy buena suerte, pero también deseo que nunca, jamás, vuelva a tener charge at Real Madrid.
Incidentally, I have not updated the blog with the chronicle of Racing-Madrid, but I'm really bad time lately. As I said, I look for partners for the blog, if anyone is interested send me an e-mail to
A greeting.