Thursday, April 19, 2007

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CAREER: Engineering SEMESTER: 1st SUBJECT: Verbal Reasoning

The strategy comes from the Greek word meaning strategos science of war. Thus, the strategy is defined as the science of military movements that run to take an army to battle on favorable terms. The strategies are specific procedures or ways to execute a particular skill.
cognitive strategy is how to organize actions, using own intellectual abilities, depending on the demands of the task, to guide the thinking processes to solve a problem. In the case of reading comprehension, cognitive strategies are internally organized set of actions that individuals use to process information, understand the recall, process, retain and transfer information to new situations.
There are various taxonomies of cognitive strategies, as well, Palincsar and Brown have developed mutual learning which consists of four strategies: summarizing, questioning, clarifying and predicting. For its part Morles groups the cognitive strategies in five categories: organizational, targeting, processing, integration and verification. Then the cognitive strategies to be developed.
* Paraphrase: When asked: "Write in your own words ..." we are asking for a paraphrase. Paraphrasing involves translating the thoughts of the author's own vocabulary and syntax, is to put in our words the information contained in the text is one way to interpret and reconstruct the information by giving it a personal meaning through the use of vocabulary, phrases or sentences, although they are different from the text have the same meaning.
* Infer: The inference is the cognitive operation by which a known truth is passed to another is not known. It is inferred, is to go beyond the information given.
* Summary: focus on the content of a text is to select the essential, is to extract the key ideas.
* Anticipation: Based on disclose or forward the content of what is going to read or what you are reading.
* Generalization: It consists in identifying what is common to many things to determine an overall or general concept that locate in the same class. PREREQUISITES

all have, to some extent, knowledge about the physical and natural world, about human beings and the social world of the texts and various structures. The more you know a person on a particular topic, the easier it is to assimilate the new information about this topic. Prior knowledge is a prerequisite for understanding because the meaning of the text is defined, in large part by the contribution of the reader. Even the most knowledgeable reader will be incompetent to try to understand a material in a specialized a topic that is completely foreign.
The meaning of a text is beyond words, sentences or paragraphs that constitute it, the reader provides, according to the knowledge and experience organized in memory and using their ability to make inferences and their command of vocabulary. As above, one must wonder about what we know about the topic that we will read. It is about making connections aware of the known with the new information. In this sense, the subject must recognize what it knows and does not know about the topic of reading to consciously preliminary knowledge help us understand the new information.
prior skills are addressed through three components:
a) Evocation: The knowledge we already possess on the subject that we will read, facilitates reading comprehension.
b) use while reading: not enough know something about the topic of reading, put it in the service of understanding the topic.
c) Distortions due to prior knowledge: What we know about a topic, if it is useful to understand the text, you can lead us to make assumptions and interpretations that are inconsistent with the text content.
meaningful learning theory. Ausubel
In the early 70's, Bruner's proposals on the Discovery Learning were gaining strength. At that time, schools that children sought to build their knowledge through the discovery of content. Ausubel believes that discovery learning should not be presented as opposed to learning by exposure (receipt), as it can be just as effective, if certain characteristics. Thus, student learning can occur for receipt or discovery, as a teaching strategy, and can make a meaningful or rote learning and repetitive. According to meaningful learning, new knowledge is incorporated in a substantive way in the student's cognitive structure. This is achieved when the student relates new knowledge to previously acquired, but it is also necessary that the student is interested in learning what is being displayed.
· Produces a more permanent retention of information.
· Facilitates the acquisition of new knowledge related to the previously acquired significantly, as being clear in the cognitive structure facilitates the retention of new content.
• The new information as it related to the above, is stored in long-term memory.
• It is active, it depends on the assimilation of learning activities by students.
• It is personal, since the significance of learning depends on the student's cognitive resources. Requirements for achieving
Meaningful Learning: Significance
logic of material: the material the teacher presents the student must be organized so that a construction of knowledge. Significance
psychological material: that students connect new knowledge with previous and understand them. You must also have a long-term memory, because otherwise he'll forget everything in a short time.
favorable student attitude: since learning may not occur if the student does not want. This is a component of emotional dispositions and attitudes, where the teacher can only influence through motivation.
· Aprendizaje de representaciones: es cuando el niño adquiere el vocabulario. Primero aprende palabras que representan objetos reales que tienen significado para él. Sin embargo no los identifica como categorías.
· Aprendizaje de conceptos: el niño, a partir de experiencias concretas, comprende que la palabra "mamá" puede usarse también por otras personas refiriéndose a sus madres. También se presenta cuando los niños en edad preescolar se someten a contextos de aprendizaje por recepción o por descubrimiento y comprenden conceptos abstractos como "gobierno", "país", "mamífero"
· Learning propositions: when you know the meaning of concepts, can form sentences that contain two or more concepts in which affirm or deny something. Thus, a new concept is assimilated to integrate it into their cognitive structure and prior knowledge. This assimilation is given in the following steps:
For progressive differentiation: when the new concept is subject to entraining concepts which students conocía.Por integrative reconciliation: when the new concept is the most inclusive concepts which the student conocía.Por and combination: when the new concept has the same status as knowledge conceived conocidos.Ausubel student's previous schemes in terms of knowledge, which consists of the representation that a person possesses at a given moment in its history on a piece of reality. These schemes include various kinds of knowledge about reality, such as: the facts, events, experiences, personal stories, attitudes, norms, among others. PARAGRAPH

is the largest unit of text communication, which is, in turn, the communication unit, interactive language. It is each of the divisions of a letter (written in prose composition) indicated by bleeding, the use of capital letters at the beginning of the line and ends with full stop or final.
· It has a variable length, variability that is determined by the intended purpose, by the emphasis you give to an idea. You may also be given the extension of a paragraph by the extension of all that is a part.
• It is a unit of coherent thought. Weaves together several sentences around a topic that is of a sentence to another relating the details. External

STRUCTURE: Sangria, use a capital letter at the beginning of line and point it may be separate or final. Internal
: Main Idea, must provide the content of the paragraph and state the thought that will be developed. She does not occupy a fixed place within the paragraph, can be located at the start in the middle or end. Schools Ideas: comprehensive, detailed information provided by the main idea. ROLE AS PARAGRAPHS

· Introductory: Its purpose is to raise the issue, set limits or to background
· Transition: Its function is to link two paragraphs, while the author was away in the second set point in the previous
· In development: Those who make the body text. Each contributes specifically to the development of the whole. This paragraph will respond, as a mode of expression, the particular use made of it as part of the package.
· Conclusion: Its function is to close the cycle of thought that began with the introduction. CONNECTOR
* The union indicating: again, well, then, besides, equally important, finally, first, last, second.
* Cause - effect as well as a comparison: in the same way, similarly, likewise, as.
* Contrast: after all, at the same time, but for all that, however, despite all the contrary, on the contrary, on the other.
* Example: for example, incidentally, in truth, in fact, particularly, specifically, that is, to illustrate.
* Repeat: that is, in other words, what is the same.
* Summary: In conclusion, for all that, in short, in short, to conclude.
Time: after, after a while, so fast, quickly, in short, at that time before, at first, in the beginning, immediately, at present, since, soon, temporarily, until, in a time when.


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