Well here are the pics of bolerito White:
this is detailed point, the string you see in the middle is where each half of the work

Here is seen as the fabric is folded in the middle forming the body and sleeve

And this is the detail of the edge of the cuff, which is woven according to the diagram B

The truth is very cute, I dare to say that for a girlfriend or a girl of fifteen with an embroidery of stones would be the ideal shelter.
All that the pattern of the neck and sleeve edge is not 100% crisp so there be ingenious to follow. For example the edge of the manga is like this to knit with round round (at least it seems to me), but I made it around to make it more verbose.
I'm about to start the edge of the body that I start to weave a lot of patience because for forming the undulation, is to weave back and forth around to certain points and so move forward to conclude the whole opening.
As the pattern shows is that border the body opening with 199 mp on one side (which would come to the back) and 201 mp on the other side (that would shape the neck) a total of 400 points. When I say I mean the fabric sides that goes from sleeve to sleeve opening.
Will even the next newsletter, ja ja ja
greetings to all, I hope to continue well
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