Here are some pictures of bolerito completed, would have to get some pictures back so they can appreciate it better.
The only modification I had to do was the distribution of edge points for neck and back, mindful that according to the pattern (400 mp across the opening) I was left with a very ruffled effect, which actually is because the wool used must be even more thin than I use. I distributed a total of 320 mp, and to get the wavy effect turns working on moving back and forth each time a little more up to cover the entire circumference (I think it's called short rows.) And another thing that changed was the amount of laps because otherwise I bent at the neck and it was not good.
I tell those who do not would be encouraged by the work of the border issue, which without it also looks good, I would happen to give a tour on crab point to give a termination.
I hope will be encouraged, the result is very encouraging, it appears as a kind of detailed broderie point.

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